Explore the technologies developed in EU-BRIDGE at our technology day at CeBIT in Hannover (Convention Center, room 108-110) on March 17, 2015. Download the invitation

The 12th Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) will take place in Hanoi Vietnam on Dec. 03-04. Further information
EU-BRIDGE is proud to annouce that we could gain Olga Cosmidou, Director General for Interpretation and Conferences for a key-note at IWSLT 2014 with the topic: Quality assurance in multilingual conference interpreting - the European Parliament experience.
EU-BRIDGE presented its automatic simultaneous speech translation system to the general public at the exhibiton "Lust auf Technik", which was held in Stuttgart, Germany on November 20-23, 2014, further information...
Discover the technologies developed in EU-BRIDGE! The technologies are described, including exploitable knowledge, application sectors, technical requirements, terms of availability and IPR protection. See our practical advice how to use the developed techniques - our brandnew EU-BRIDGE Technology Catalogue!
EU-BRIDGE will participate in the IBC 2014, the global meeting place for everyone engaged in creating, managing and delivering the future of electronic media and entertainment technology and content. EU-BRIDGE will present his technologies and use cases on September 12 and 13.
We presented the project on the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2014), in Dubrovnik on June 16-18, 2014 via a poster

EU-BRIDGE's partners strongly support the 11th Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Lake Tahoe, US, Dec. 04-05, 2014. Join the conference and get further information!
Prof. Alex Waibel was awarded the Antonio Zampolli prize. The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) gives the prize for outstanding contributions to the advancement of language resources and language technology evaluation within human language technologies. The prize will be handed over during LREC 2014 during the official ceremony on Friday, May 30, 2014. Further information...
EU-BRIDGE presents its results and demos at the HLT-Village @ L-REC 2014 (May 28-30, 2014) in Reykjavic, Iceland. Many visitors stopped by our booth on the first day, we were proud to also show our work to Márta Nagy-Rothengass, Head of Unit in EC (DG Information Society and Media).
Two new fact sheets, one on the use case "European Parliament interpreter support" and one on "Spoken Polish Language Translation" are available. Further will follow....
Following the successful participation in the EU-Village at L-REC 2012 in Istanbul, EU-BRIDGE is happy to be accepted with a booth at the HLT-Village on May 28-30, 2014 (during the main conference), further information on the L-REC official website
On March 20, 2014 EU-BRIDGE will present its Simultaneous Lecture Translation Service at the Annual Meeting of KIT, further information....(only in German)
EU-BRIDGE partners supported and participated in IWSLT 2013, Heidelberg, December 5-6, 2013. Explore EU-BRDIGE's involvement in IWSLT 2013 in our special edition of the EU-BRIDGE-Newsletter.
The 2014 International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) will take place in Lake Tahoe on Dec. 04-05, 2014. EU-BRIDGE partners are again strongly involved in the organisation of the evaluation campaign and the workshop.
See our special edition of the EU-BRIDGE Newsletter about our participation in ICT 2013 in Vilnius, November 06-08, 2013
On January 28, 2014, EU-BRDIGE signed the agreement with skynews.
Visit the EU-BRIDGE booth at ICT 2013 in Vilnius on Nov. 6-8, 2013 or participate in our networking session "The Future of Machine Translation" (booth 6, Nov. 07, 09.00).
EU-BRIDGE's general flyer is now also availabe in French and Italian. Polish and German will follow in July and August.

Prof. Alex Waibel presented EU-BRIDGE and in particular its use-case "simultaneous translation of university lectures" to EU-Commissioner Neelie Kroes at CeBIT in Hannover on March 05, 2013.
Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission and responsible for the Digital Agenda, will visit EU-BRIDGE at CeBIT 2013. EU-BRIDGE is presented at the KIT-booth in hall (CeBIT-lab).
EU-BRIDGE will show its use-case "simultaneous translation of university lectures" at CeBIT 2013 in Hanover. You will find us at the "CeBIT-lab", hall 9, KIT-booth. For further informaiton just send us an e-mail!
We have just published a first fact sheet of a series of fact sheets with the topic: "Automatic Simultaneous Translation Service for University Lectures". Further sheets will follow...

The 10th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation will take place in the castle of Heidelberg, Germany on Dec. 05-06, 2013. The official web page will be published soon....
Prof. Alex Waibel, KIT and CMU, will present the automtic simultaneous lecture translation technology at the European Parliament on the conference: „New Technologies and Education for Multilingualism going Global“ (October 18 and 19, 2012). Follow his talk „Simultaneous Machine Interpretation – Utopia?“ via the live stream on October 19, 09.30am
Our second and more detailed EU-BRIDGE-Flyer is available!
Take a look at the brand-new and first edition of the
EU-BRIDGE at EU-Village @ LREC2012
Project Fact Sheet available!
Our second and more detailed EU-BRIDGE-Flyer is available!
Take a look at the brand-new and first edition of the EU-BRIDGE Newsletter
EU-BRIDGE at EU-Village @ LREC2012
Brandnew EU-BRIDGE-Flyer Project Fact Sheet available!
The EU-BRIDGE Kick-off will take place in Luxembourg on Feb. 06 & 07, 2012